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Marozia is a city that citizens are no idea what life is. They focus on survival and loot each other. Infinity greed motivates them like rats. Mass propagation, hurting others to get resource and to betray others for benefit are the things what people do.


However, some people in the city focus on their own life-how to make happiness. They stop action like rat. They start to think and change the perspective and see the different views. When their action changes; they are not rats anymore. They bring happiness and pleasure to themselves and others. It makes the society more harmonious. The mind of them is just like the swallow flying freely. In the higher thinking level, they look more about the city. It helps them to understand more about life.


And, the swallow will see some rats look up and try to fly but they will never succeed because they do not change the view point. Bat-like rat try to use the old living style to fly, but they do not flying.

This is the city for rat and swallow.


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